Мониторинг Varnish с помощью zabbix

Опубликовано admin - вс, 04/14/2013 - 18:49

Давно я уже не писал, работы в последнее время стало многовато. В основном текущие задачи в Drupal Coder, но и просто читатели блога обращаются по вопросам настройки и оптимизации серверов.
Сегодня напишу небольшой пост по вопросу как мониторить Varnish с помощью системы мониторинга zabbix.
Для настройки мониторинга необходимо:

  1. в конфигурационный файл zabbix агента, расположенного обычно в /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf внести следующую запись:
    UserParameter=varnish.stat[*],(test -f /usr/bin/varnishstat && varnishstat -1 -f $1 | awk '{print $$2}')

    Параметр * позволяет нам выводить все поля, которые доступны для команды varnishstat, а именно:

    Field name           Description
    ----------           -----------
    client_conn          Client connections accepted
    client_drop          Connection dropped, no sess/wrk
    client_req           Client requests received
    cache_hit            Cache hits
    cache_hitpass        Cache hits for pass
    cache_miss           Cache misses
    backend_conn         Backend conn. success
    backend_unhealthy    Backend conn. not attempted
    backend_busy         Backend conn. too many
    backend_fail         Backend conn. failures
    backend_reuse        Backend conn. reuses
    backend_toolate      Backend conn. was closed
    backend_recycle      Backend conn. recycles
    backend_unused       Backend conn. unused
    fetch_head           Fetch head
    fetch_length         Fetch with Length
    fetch_chunked        Fetch chunked
    fetch_eof            Fetch EOF
    fetch_bad            Fetch had bad headers
    fetch_close          Fetch wanted close
    fetch_oldhttp        Fetch pre HTTP/1.1 closed
    fetch_zero           Fetch zero len
    fetch_failed         Fetch failed
    n_sess_mem           N struct sess_mem
    n_sess               N struct sess
    n_object             N struct object
    n_vampireobject      N unresurrected objects
    n_objectcore         N struct objectcore
    n_objecthead         N struct objecthead
    n_smf                N struct smf
    n_smf_frag           N small free smf
    n_smf_large          N large free smf
    n_vbe_conn           N struct vbe_conn
    n_wrk                N worker threads
    n_wrk_create         N worker threads created
    n_wrk_failed         N worker threads not created
    n_wrk_max            N worker threads limited
    n_wrk_queue          N queued work requests
    n_wrk_overflow       N overflowed work requests
    n_wrk_drop           N dropped work requests
    n_backend            N backends
    n_expired            N expired objects
    n_lru_nuked          N LRU nuked objects
    n_lru_saved          N LRU saved objects
    n_lru_moved          N LRU moved objects
    n_deathrow           N objects on deathrow
    losthdr              HTTP header overflows
    n_objsendfile        Objects sent with sendfile
    n_objwrite           Objects sent with write
    n_objoverflow        Objects overflowing workspace
    s_sess               Total Sessions
    s_req                Total Requests
    s_pipe               Total pipe
    s_pass               Total pass
    s_fetch              Total fetch
    s_hdrbytes           Total header bytes
    s_bodybytes          Total body bytes
    sess_closed          Session Closed
    sess_pipeline        Session Pipeline
    sess_readahead       Session Read Ahead
    sess_linger          Session Linger
    sess_herd            Session herd
    shm_records          SHM records
    shm_writes           SHM writes
    shm_flushes          SHM flushes due to overflow
    shm_cont             SHM MTX contention
    shm_cycles           SHM cycles through buffer
    sm_nreq              allocator requests
    sm_nobj              outstanding allocations
    sm_balloc            bytes allocated
    sm_bfree             bytes free
    sma_nreq             SMA allocator requests
    sma_nobj             SMA outstanding allocations
    sma_nbytes           SMA outstanding bytes
    sma_balloc           SMA bytes allocated
    sma_bfree            SMA bytes free
    sms_nreq             SMS allocator requests
    sms_nobj             SMS outstanding allocations
    sms_nbytes           SMS outstanding bytes
    sms_balloc           SMS bytes allocated
    sms_bfree            SMS bytes freed
    backend_req          Backend requests made
    n_vcl                N vcl total
    n_vcl_avail          N vcl available
    n_vcl_discard        N vcl discarded
    n_purge              N total active purges
    n_purge_add          N new purges added
    n_purge_retire       N old purges deleted
    n_purge_obj_test     N objects tested
    n_purge_re_test      N regexps tested against
    n_purge_dups         N duplicate purges removed
    hcb_nolock           HCB Lookups without lock
    hcb_lock             HCB Lookups with lock
    hcb_insert           HCB Inserts
    esi_parse            Objects ESI parsed (unlock)
    esi_errors           ESI parse errors (unlock)
    accept_fail          Accept failures
    client_drop_late     Connection dropped late
    uptime               Client uptime
  2. На zabbix сервер создать элемент данных и в качестве ключа задать varnish.stat[имя_параметра из varnish stat], например
    varnish.stat[cache_hit] - позволяет мониторить количество успешной загрузки из кэша.


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